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nayanrdeveloper's github profile

DeDoctor are web3 based Doctor Consulation Application where user can create Appointment and Call with Doctor and charge cut in crypto Balance


parma1111's github profile

Domino's is a Global Brand, founded in 1960 and is the recognized world leader in pizza delivery operating a network of company-owned and franchise-owned stores in the United States and international markets. In 1996, the first Domino's Pizza store was opened in New Delhi.

Movie recommender system

Abhinavcode13's github profile

A movie recommender system is a type of algorithmic software that provides personalized recommendations of movies to users based on their viewing history, preferences, and behavior.


hritikd3's github profile

CocktailDB is a web application that allows users to explore a vast collection of cocktails, along with their prices, ingredients, and details

Amazon Clone

Prajwal0225's github profile

Amazon clone with card functionality using strip

devFind - OpenSource

shyamtawli's github profile

devFind lets developers easily create profiles to showcase their skills and find collaborators.


AdityaLahane-2003's github profile

Hello ! Here is a Full Stack Web App.A responsive Web app where one can order food online, having Admin Panel with access to add & delete menu items!


Sahilll15's github profile

Anonymous_Social is a unique social media platform where users can post comments and manage their profiles anonymously. Built using Node.js, ReactJS, ExpressJS, Tailwind CSS, and MongoDB, this platform ensures user privacy while fostering engaging interactions.

An E-commerce Flutter application

ayushrakesh's github profile

I have made this app which is capable of doing all usual e-commerce company functions like add-to-cart, favourite a product, make-an-order, profile section.

Drum Kit

Vijaykv5's github profile

This project is to create your own Music by Implementation of javascript